Whether you’re a bee enthusiast or honey aficionado, or you’re looking to buy a gift that’s sure to please, this stand will not disappoint. All of Bee Natural’s honeys and beeswax products are handmade from the owner and apiarist Darren Sausser’s own beehives in Smyrna, Delaware. At their stand in the Reading Terminal Market, you’ll find pure and specialty honeys in jars and bottles of all sizes; natural beeswax candles in many different colors and scents; beeswax balms and skin care items; pollen, propolis, and royal jelly; and gift baskets for any occasion. Plus, they even carry hives and other apiary supplies, and occasionally they display a single-frame hive with live bees inside!

Merchant Information
Mon - Sat: 8:30am-6pm
Sunday: 8:30am-5pm
Year Opened: 2005
Map Location: C10
Payments Accepted: Cash, Credit Cards, RTM Gift Cards